NBA 2K24 All-in-One Complete Badges, Takeover, Badge Requirements, Badge Perks Guide, & Analysis

NBA 2K24 Ultimate Badges Guide

Here is the NBA 2K24 Badges & Takeover Guide, & Analysis, which lists all badges, descriptions, takeovers, badge perks, takeover perks, how to unlock badges, as well as a breakdown of tips, info, and more when you click on each individual badge.

24 new badges were added to NBA 2K24 on New Gen consoles, and with some removals, it brings it to a total of 77 skill badges across MyTEAM and MyCAREER. Learn more about the added scoring, ball-handling and passing, and defensive badges below.

Badges have been split into four tiers: S-, A-, B-, and C-Tier, with S-Tier badges being regarded as the best of the lot. A player’s height determines Tier assignments, and each badge has a unique set of attribute requirements for unlocking the use of the badge.

How to Equip Badges & Badge Progression

An all-new badge progression system that helps bring a more authentic feeling to a player’s MyPLAYER build. Players will no longer have to pick and choose which badges to equip to their MyPLAYER, and they’re no longer stuck within the badge points and attribute categories they were once limited to. Badges are earned by badge usage, meaning the more a player uses a badge in-game, the more they’ll progress toward to the next level in which they qualify.

How Badge Regression Works

Badges with lower usage and success will trend towards the lower levels. There is a floor, however, as your badge will never drop below Bronze. Like riding a bike, if a badge drops below a level you once had, regaining that level takes less time than it did the first time around. Certain badges are also protected from games in which they cannot fire, such as the Relay Passer Badge in a 2v2 game. You can also use some Badge Perks (see further below) to affect badge regression.

1. Badge Requirements
2. Badge Descriptions
3. Badge Perks
4. Performance Multipliers
5. Takeover Guide
6. Takeover Perks

NBA 2K24 Badge Requirements

  • An “Always Attribute” is an attribute to unlock a badge that is always required, either by itself or with other attributes.
  • An “Either / Or Attribute” is an attribute that is one of the options unlock a badge, either by itself or with other attributes.

* = 1 attribute only required
** = either/or attribute(s) but no ‘always attribute(s)’
*** = either/or attribute(s) + always attribute(s)
**** = always attribute(s) + either/or attribute(s)
***** = always attribute(s) + always attribute(s)

(Scroll to the right to view more Attributes)

NBA 2K24 Badge Descriptions

Shooting Badges

Playmaking Badges

Finishing Badges

Defense / Rebounding Badges

Badge Perks

Badge Perks are prizes that provide various benefits to the progression of individual badges. The Badge Perks page consists of “slots” that the user can fill in when unlocked. There are four slots per perk, with each slot representing a different badge tier. A badge can only have one badge perk applied at a time.

Here is the list of Badge Perks:

  • Overdrive – Increases badge level progression in games
  • Immunity – Slows down badge level regression in games
  • Drill Savant – Increases badge level progression in Team Practice Facility
  • Scholar – A risk/reward perk that gives a significant increase in badge level progression for PvP games finished with a high Teammate Grade. However, it comes with risk: you will receive no progression for the badge if you do not finish with a high Teammate Grade. This is a rotational season prize.
  • Winner’s Circle – A risk/reward perk that gives an added boost in badge level progression for PvP games that result in a win for the user. However, you will receive zero progression for the badge if you lose the game. This is a rotational season prize.
  • High-Risk – A risk/reward perk increases your badge level progression for PvP games with badge usage but accelerated regression with lack of usage. This is a rotational season prize.

How to Unlock All Badge Perks in NBA 2K24

Here’s how to unlock all Badge Perks in NBA 2K24.


    • C-Tier Badge: Talk to Josh Giddey at The Point after reaching Silver level with multiple badges.
    • B-Tier Badge: Complete 5 NBA, 10 Pro-Am/REC, or 20 City games with Overdrive equipped to a C-Tier badge. Then, talk to Josh Giddey.
    • A-Tier Badge: Complete 7 NBA, 12 Pro-Am/REC, or 30 City games with Overdrive equipped to a B-Tier badge. Then, talk to Josh Giddey.

<li”>S-Tier Badge: Complete 12 NBA, 20 Pro-Am/REC, or 40 City games with Overdrive equipped to an A-Tier badge. Then, talk to Josh Giddey.


  • C-Tier Badge: Reach Gold level with a badge for the first time. Then, talk to Cade Cunningham.
  • B-Tier Badge: Complete 5 NBA,10 Pro-Am/REC, or 20 City games with Immunity equipped to a C-Tier badge. Then, talk to Cade Cunningham.
  • A-Tier Badge: Complete 7 NBA,12 Pro-Am/REC, or 30 City games with Immunity equipped to a B-Tier badge. Then, talk to Cade Cunningham.
  • S-Tier Badge: Complete 12 NBA, 20 Pro-Am/REC, or 40 City games with Immunity equipped to a A-Tier badge. Then, talk to Cade Cunningham.

Drill Savant

  • C-Tier Badge: Have two badges active at the Gold level or higher. Then, talk to Red Thompson.
  • B-Tier Badge: Complete 5 NBA,10 Pro-Am/REC, or 20 City games with Drill Savant equipped to a C-Tier badge. Then, talk to Red Thompson.
  • A-Tier Badge: Complete 7 NBA,12 Pro-Am/REC, or 30 City games with Drill Savant equipped to a B-Tier badge. Then, talk to Red Thompson.
  • S-Tier Badge: Complete 12 NBA, 20 Pro-Am/REC, or 40 City games with Drill Savant equipped to a A-Tier badge. Then, talk to Red Thompson.


  • C-Tier Badge: Reach Season Level 9.
  • B-Tier Badge: Reach Season Level 18.
  • A-Tier Badge: Reach Season Level 29.
  • S-Tier Badge: Reach Season Level 38.

Performance Multipliers

Performance Multipliers are prizes that, unlike Badge Perks, provide benefits to all of your equipped badges at once, so long as challenges from the multipliers are met in their respective modes. Each of the three Performance Multipliers has four versions—: NBA, City, The REC, and Pro-Am—for a total of 12 multipliers.

  • Grade A Student – In games finished with a high Teammate Grade, badge level progression is accelerated for all equipped badges.
  • Winner Takes All – In games finished with a win, badge level progression is accelerated for all equipped badges.
  • Up for the Challenge – In games played against tough opponents, badge level progression is accelerated for all equipped badges.

NBA 2K24 Takeover Guide

Takeovers are special abilities that are activated for your MyPLAYER in real-time during games. Basically, like a player getting hot in real basketball. Takeovers were revamped for NBA 2K24 to activate from within the game instead of last year’s method of assigning it to your MyPLAYER during the create a build process.

List of Takeovers

  • Finishing: Checkered flag icon (A/X)
  • Shooting: Sniper icon (X/Square)
  • Playmaking: Basketball with trail icon (Y/Triangle)
  • Defensive/Rebounding: Shield icon (LB/L1)
  • Physicals: Hand holding a weight icon (RB/R1)

Takeover Perks List & How to Earn Them

Note: 3v3 Brickley scrimmages are available during the week (Mon-Thu) while 5v5 Brickley scrimmages run on the weekends (Fri-Sun). Also, the Art of Shooting “session” is available once per week.

How to Unlock Mamba Mentality

Here’s how to unlock the Mamba Mentality in NBA 2k24:

  • Complete all 3 of the Brickley and ‘Art of Shooting’ Takeover Challenges


  • When unlocked, Mamba Mentality will relace your Double Takeover
  • When activated, Mamba Mentality will boost ALL categories