2K Sports and the NBA announced back in February the new NBA 2K LEAGUE for 2K Pro-Am, which will make it’s debut in NBA 2K18. Here we have put together an ultimate and comprehensive list of details and info about #NBA2KLEAGUE. This includes how to join NBA 2K LEAGUE, try outs, draft, signups, salary, teams, player requirements, game managers, key dates, and more! We will update this as more info is made available.
2018 Season | 2019 Season | 2020 Season
NBA 2K League 2022 Season 5 Full Details
- Jan. 1st, 2018 – Jan. 31st, 2018 (Qualifying Stage): Players need to win 50 games in NBA 2K18’s Pro-Am (Team and/or Walk-On) to move on to the second stage – tryouts.
- February 2018 (Tryout Stage): Digital tryouts for 102 spots
- March 2018 (Draft)
- April 2018 (Player Relocation)
- May/August 2018 (Start of the Inaugural Season)
- Players must be 18 or older
- Must complete an online application (the application will be available in February).
- Open to anyone from around the world
- You can only tryout on Xbox One or PS4
- To be eligible for the tryout stage, from Jan 1 – 31, players need to win 50 games in NBA 2K18’s Pro-Am Mode (Team, Walk-On or combo of both) and complete the online process. (Winning more than 50 games doesn’t increase a player’s standing).
- Players can compete as a walk-on, part of a team or a combination of the two. Players will be using their existing MyPLAYERS for this stage of the qualifying process.
- You will be able to try out from the comfort of your own home and NBA 2K League is committed to equal opportunity for everyone.
- NBA 2K League Combine – Full Details on 2KL Tryouts
- After a player qualifies, digital tryouts (for 102 spots) will be held in February. In-depth analytics (more than just basic stats) on all players will be done to ensure the best will qualify for the draft pool.
- The game will prompt players to join the combine from the main menu. Players will be ranked on a worldwide leaderboard as they play in the combine.
- Will have a balanced playing environment to identify the best players. More details coming soon.
- Have to play in tryouts and have to do well in tryouts to get drafted
- Players will not qualify based solely on social followers or marketability. Playing ability is paramount.
- What abilities, outside of 2K, will NBA teams look for in potential players?
Strong moral character, great competitor, well-rounded skill set, and a team player.
- NBA 2K League Complete Draft Results
- NBA 2K League Post-Combine Details Released
- NBA 2K League Draft Info: Day/Date, Draft Board, Order, Location & More
- The league is carrying out in-depth analysis on a range of criteria including combine play, statistics and the online application to determine the top 250 players.
- The top 250 players will be contacted directly for interviews in late February and March. Participants who completed the NBA 2K League Qualifier, Combine and online application, but did not make the top 250, will also be notified.
- After interviews and the top 102 players are identified, 102 players will be placed in the draft pool and invited to the draft.
- A live draft will be held in March 2018 and will be aired publicly / be a public event
- The NBA 2K League will have a draft lottery to determine the draft order
- Players will move to their respective cities after the draft. Players will be provide housing by their respective teams and teams will decide the housing structure and practice facilities. Players will potentially have access to things like their NBA team facilities.
- Players will sign a six-month contract with the franchise that drafts them
- Players will be paid guaranteed base salary of $35,000 for 1st Round Picks, $32,000 for all others, along with housing and medical insurance/retirement plan.
- Players will have the opportunity to earn additional money during the season.
- $1 million in Prize Money spread out over three tournaments and the league championship.
- Endorsement deals are allowed
- All travel costs paid
- There will be background checks and media testing for players
- There will be drug testing for players (unconfirmed)
Gameplay Environment
- The NBA 2K League will be using a special build/version of the game to limit or eliminate instability. Building a dedicated environment for the league and working closely with 2K and their development team. Working with developers to create the optimal format for the league and 2K esports.
- Goal of a level playing field, and parity will be created through balanced characters and constant analysis of the meta.
- Which console the league will use (PS4 or XB1) = To be Determined (TBD)
- Players will be flown in to a central studio (or two) for the actual games (will help ensure best network connection for games).
- The NBA 2K League is leaning toward 6 minute quarters to mirror the Pro-Am experience, but this is unconfirmed.
- Players will wear league branded apparel / uniforms
Player Builds / Characters
- NBA 2K Leaguers will not be using their MyPLAYERS from personal use. But once a player is drafted, they’ll create and use their own avatar in the game, with ratings closer to 90.
Season & Teams
- Inaugural NBA 2K League season scheduled to start May 2018 – August 2018 with a playoffs and finals in August.
- Teams (17): Boston Celtics, Cleveland Cavaliers, Dallas Mavericks, Detroit Pistons, Golden State Warriors, Indiana Pacers, Memphis Grizzlies, Miami Heat, Milwaukee Bucks, New York Knicks, Orlando Magic, Philadelphia 76ers, Portland Trail Blazers, Sacramento Kings, Toronto Raptors, Utah Jazz, Washington Wizards
- Expansion: Right now NBA 2K League is focused on the 17 teams for the 2018 season, but expect expansion both domestically and internationally in their future.
- No trades in year one
- Team rosters include 6 players: 5 starters and a 6th man
- Teams will consider whether to include a coach on their staff
- Tournaments will be included within regular season schedule as well (consisting of the 102 drafted players).
- One of the goals for this league is to build global audience. Between the NBA 2K community, NBA fans and esports fans, confidence in having a great audience.
- Potential partners have been very receptive
- The NBA 2K League & Twitch Reach Multiyear Partnership to Live Stream Games
- As the league grows, more opportunities will arise with the league and its teams – NBA 2K League would love for the 2K community to jump on those opportunities.
- Virtual jerseys and stadiums will sell sponsorships
- Official NBA 2K League (Twitter – @NBA2KLeague)
- Brendan Donohue, NBA 2K League Managing Director (Twitter – @2KLeagueMD)
- Colin Hayes, Bucks (Twitter – @Colin_Hayes)
- Anthony Muraco, Cavaliers (Twitter – @AnthonyMuraco)
- Lang Whitaker, Grizzlies (Twitter – @langwhitaker)
- Ben Spoont, Heat (Twitter – @benspoont)
- Josh Barney, Jazz (Twitter – @Sprtakuz)
- Claire Kaido, Knicks (Twitter – @iamclairemariex)
- Chris Toussaint, Magic (Twitter – @Christssnt)
- Roger Caneda, Mavericks (Twitter – @RogerCaneda)
- Cody Parrent, Pacers (Twitter – @CodyParrent)
- Adam Rubin, Pistons (Twitter – @AdamRubinNBA)
- Hunter Leigh, Warriors (Twitter – @HunterBLeigh)
- Grant Paranjape, Wizards (Twitter – @Keiranthil)
- 76ers, Blazers, Celtics, Kings, Raptors = TBD
- 76ers Gaming Club – Twitter
- Blazer5 Gaming – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Bucks Gaming – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and on their team microsite
- Cavs Legion Gaming Club – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Celtics Gaming – Twitter
- Grizz Gaming – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and team microsite
- Heat Check Gaming – Twitter
- Jazz Gaming – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Kings Guard Gaming – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Knicks Gaming – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and team microsite
- Magic Gaming – Twitter and Instagram
- Mavs Gaming – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Pacers Gaming – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Pistons Gaming Team – Twitter and Facebook
- Raptors Uprising Gaming Squad – Twitter and team microsite
- Warriors Gaming Squad – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Wizards – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Official NBA 2K League Logo
- Official website – nba2kleague.com (news & info, full website coming in 2018).
- All 17 NBA 2K League Team Logos
- You Need to Know Basketball with Good BBALL IQ
- Gaming Managers Are Scouting Twitch and YouTube
- Use The Hashtag #2KDraftMe
- Clean Up Your Social Media Act
- Clean Up Your Gamertag/PSN IDs
- Consistency Across Your Social Media Accounts
- Notoriety Matters, But Skills Are Paramount
- Play a Ton of Pro-Am
- Be Able To Excel In Your Archetype / Role
- Be Able to Play Within a Team
- Communication is Important
via Managing Director of NBA 2K League, Brendan Donohue, NBA 2K Reddit, Forbes and various official NBA 2K League team managers.
Last Updated: 4/4/2018
This what i have to say Mike Wayne need to be fired
#nba2kdraftme Datdude88547 im nice i got in over 2500 team and walkon proam games in since 2018 came out not much i cant do on both sides of the ball over 1000 sceen shoots of stats check me out run with me lets make it happen…
#2kDraftme SHEILDSHADY is a goat ask the community about me. # MPBA follow me on youtube twitter and twitch. SHEILDSHADYs channel.
#2kdraftme Gigaty-Gigaty_Gu@playstationnetwork.com
#2kdraftme Bruiser3016
best all around pf in the game. Dont believe me? draft me and you will c
Psn: LeadMachine__ Youtube: Jesus Pizarro or EL Chubby #2KDRAFTME
Ready for da season to start.Going to be a great season. PSN: CgangAlz700
Ready to ball in nba2k league. PSN Shea091
Wesleyp2010 I’m the only player with over 4 quadruple doubles in pro am… over 80 triple doubles. I’m the best center on 2k. Never been outplayed
#2kDraftMe psn – PaulGeorge_Show
Ready to ball #2kdraftme #ALREADY
#Gamertag #FoeLife974
#DraftMe #17
50 Games completed
#DRAFTME when where will online application will be available
Let’s go balln!
@razzy304 #waiting #50 #draftme
Do you get sent an email for the application? I can’t find one anywhere…?
whatcanitbe1 psn and ready to play
Gamer Tag is Bluface60..I have already completed the first 50 Games,just waiting on next step
Gamer Tag is Bluface60..I’ve already completed my first 50 Games …waiting for the next step.
yes where is the app after u get your 50 wins
So we want be able to play games from home
I am interested in joining the tournament how do I sign up
What* to*
Ehat does it mean tk clean up your gamertag?
I would like to sign up. How do I do it?
I want to be on a team
let’s get it east 2 west
Hi My Gt is xcashout yt And im a very high IQ Strech i will be interested In joining the team
So if your popular on social media you have a better chance …
Really pump about the eleague … Dreams come true
True baller here, where we sign up.Lesssssssss goooooooooo,lol
Idk if they announced the online applications yet, but they have signups for news and info on nba2kleague.com
Hello I’m BigLouie881 and I am very interested in signing up. So when can I sign up..?