NBA 2K24 Affiliations Explained: How to Switch & Join Affiliations: RISE vs ELITE Rewards, Boosts, Rep, & More

Affiliations in The City have been revamped for NBA 2K24. The four Affiliations of 2K23 (Beasts of the Easts, South City Vipers, North Side Knights and Western Wildcats) have now been condensed down to two Affiliations: RISE and ELITE. In this guide we go over what Affiliations are, RISE vs ELITE, gameplay boosts, and more!

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How to Join Affiliations in NBA 2K24

Meet up with the avatars of Shakedown (ELITE) or LD2K (RISE) on the City Map, where they’ll give you objectives to complete in order to join the RISE or the ELITE affiliation.

  • 0 / 100 – Points (ELITE Courts)
  • 0 / 10 – Games Won (ELITE Courts)


  • Join Elite
  • Elite Player Banner
  • Elite Ball
  • 0 / 50 – Assists (RISE Courts)
  • 0 / 10 – Teammate Grade B or Higher (RISE Courts)


  • Join Rise
  • Rise Player Banner
  • Rise Ball


Prior to NBA 2K24, there were iterations of the game with 3 Affiliations (The Old Town Flyers, Sunset Beach Ballers, and Rivet City Rough Riders) and 4 Affiliations (Beasts of the Easts, South City Vipers, North Side Knights and Western Wildcats). This is all changing in NBA 2K24, as the game will now have 2 Affiliations: RISE and ELITE.

Similar to previous games like NBA 2K16, it’s going to matter a lot more which Affiliation you go with, so choose wisely! The Affiliation you choose will directly impact your gameplay, rep, rewards, and more. Each Season, members of RISE and ELITE will fight to lift their Affiliation to victory, with the winning side and top contributors reaping new prizes.

NBA 2K24 RISE & ELITE Gameplay Boosts


Elevate your team! Earn unique gameplay rewards towards finishing and playmaking. Dishing to the open man has never been so worth it.

Brand New Heat Check gameplay boost
  • Get rewarded for your hot hand from the perimeter after knocking down some outside shots. An even hotter hand results…
Finishing Boost
  • Earn a permanent boost to your finishing attributes. You’ll be rising above the defense in no time.
Playmaking Boost
  • Earn a permanent boost to your Playmaking attributes. Your bag has never been so deep.


Want the ball in your hands for the last shot? ELITE is for you. Earn unique gameplay boosts toward defense and shooting, making big plays on both ends.

Brand new Two-Way Tenacity gameplay boost
  • Make a big play on one end of the floor and earn yourself a boost for the next possession, going the other way. The ultimate two-way player.
Defense Boost
  • Earn a permanent boost to your defense attributes. DPOY here you come.
Shooting Boost
  • Earn a permanent boost to your Shooting attributes. Greens by any means.

NBA 2K24 Affiliations Explained

Affiliations in NBA 2K24 are a feature in The City that groups segments of players together in the same community of ballers. Traditionally, Affiliations have had their own unique logo, courts, apparel, and location in The City.

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