Check out these confirmed new badges that have been added to NBA 2K20, along with badges that have been changed/modified, removed, and ones that still remain in the game. Most of 2K19’s badges are returning, most badges were re-worked to either be more balanced / more useful for different build types, or removed.
Here’s the All-in-One NBA 2K20 Badges Guide
Note: This isn’t the full list of around 80 badges, this list will be updated as more badge info becomes available.
To see the full list of the latest gameplay news, check out the NBA 2K20 Gameplay Tracker.
(UPDATED 8/19/19)
- Around 80 badges in total, 21 of them are directly related to driving and slashing
- Most of 2K19’s badges are returning, most badges were re-worked to either be more balanced / more useful for different build types, or removed.
- There are a lot of new defensive badges
- Added Neighborhood-specific badges that enhance the physicality and flashy play of the Playground.
- Badges still have the same 4 levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Hall of Fame Badges
- Badges can be upgraded, added, and removed at-will
- You do not have to “regrind”. You can lower the badge’s level to put the upgrades elsewhere or remove that badge all together for a certain matchup.
- There are more Badges for your Builds primary ability, your weaker areas won’t get HOF badges.
- You get a higher number for Badge upgrades depending on your archetype
- The higher overall you are, The more badge slots you will unlock. For example, an 80 overall only has 5 badge slots. You will need to choose badges very wisely, as there is going to be limited room in the beginning.
- You will be able to equip and obtain the rim protector badge on any build this year, including guards, but it’s capped out at bronze if you do not mold you’re player into a secondary defender.
*Existing Badge
**New Badge
***Modified Badge
- Ankle Breaker Badge *
- Dimer Badge * (An elite passer known for hitting teammates in the correct position to score, giving them a boost on their shot percentage).
- Flashy Passer Badge *
- Catch & Shoot Badge *
- Difficult Shots Badge *
- Range Extender Badge *** (Formerly Limitless Range Badge) (boosts threes but also deep twos).
- Contact Finisher Badge *** (Formerly Posterizer Badge) (reduces the penalty for contact dunks and layups in traffic). Will help dunkers posterize people, success rate of dunks, but also help smaller players who play below the rim finish with contact).
- Hot Start Badge *** (Formerly Microwave Badge) (If you have this badge and can knock down your first jumper, you get a boost to your shot ratings for a period of time. the more shots you can knock down w/o missing, the longer you keep your boosts.)
- Relentless Finisher Badge *** (Formerly Tireless Scorer)
- Tireless Shooter Badge *** (Formerly Tireless Scorer).
- Needle Threader *** (Formerly Pick & Roll Maestro) (does a similar thing but extends to other passing situations, not just limited to PnR situations).
- Quick First Step Badge ** (improves first step quickness, increases the opportunity for blowbys, speed boosts, etc).
- Volume Shooter Badge ** is back but with better logic. (Boosts your ratings if you can maintain your FGAs/per minute, player won’t go cold because of lack of shots).
- Deep Fades Badge ** (improves success rate of post fades from further out, also applies to post hop shots, post shimmy shots, etc).
- Giant Slayer Badge ** (smaller players can equip this badge and it will help them score at the rim among taller players).
- Deadeye Badge *** – (combined Deep-Range & Mid-Range Deadeye Badges) (reduces defensive impact on late closeouts, but now it works from any range).
- Slippery Off-ball Badge ** (gives you more success with the new off-ball juke moves. Also helps you get free from defenders who try to jam you up.)
- Deep Hooks Badge ** (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar badge)
- Space Creator Badge ** (more effective stepback jumpers)
- Handles For Days Badge ** (allows you to pull off a lot more dribble combos before getting fatigued)
- Fancy Footwork Badge ** (helps you get past defenders with advanced gathers on the floor – euro step, cradle, hop, spin, half-spin gathers).
- Flexible Release Badge ** (helps you hit badly-timed shots)
- Clutch Shooter Badge **
- Green Machine Badge ** (increases bonus given for consecutive excellent releases)
- Ice in my Veins Badge ** (increases free throw percentage in critical time)
- Steady Shooter Badge ** (reduces the penalty for contested shots and the bonus for open shots).
- Hot Zone Hunter Badge ** (increases shot percentage for shots taken in the player’s favored spot).
- Pro Touch Badge ** (increases the bonus for having good layup timing)
- Slippery Finisher Badge **
- Showtime Badge ** (boosts team’s takeover after completing a highlight play)
- Backdown Punisher Badge ** (increases the chance for a player to back down their opponent).
- Stop and Go Badge ** (increases player’s ability to start and stop with the ball)
- Tight Handles Badge ** (increases the ability to break down the defender)
- Dream Shake Badge ** (raises the chance that a defender bites on a pump fake)
- Quickdraw Badge ** (speeds up the release of your jump shot)
- Corner Specialist *
- Lob City Finisher *
- Chasedown Artist Badge *
- Pick Pocket Badge *
- Pick Dodger Badge * (doesn’t get caught up on screens very easily)
- Rim Protector Badge *
- Interceptor Badge ** is back (improves success rate of passing lane steals)
- Clamps Badge ** (for perimeter LDD’s)
- Post Move Lockdown Badge ** (for paint defenders)
- Heart Crusher Badge ** (knocks down the other team’s Takeover meters when you get a block or steal.
- Intimidator Badge ** (buffs the defender’s impact on all block/contest attempts)
Here are the blocking-related badges: - Pogostick Badge ** (helps cut down the compression & de-compression on block attempts, allowing you to jump repeatedly faster. But spamming jump won’t do much good, 2K hit defensive impact hard as you’re coming down from a block.
- Off-Ball Pest Badge ** (improves players ability to bump and harass the offense off-ball).
- Trapper Badge ** (makes life difficult for offensive player when trapped)
- Tireless Defender Badge ** (Reduces stamina loss when exerting effort on defense)
- Rebound Chaser Badge ** (helps chase down long rebounds)
- Worm Badge ** (helps get around boxouts)
- Box Badge ** (makes it tougher for worms.)
- Putback Boss Badge *
- Brick Wall Badge *
- Free Throw Ace Badge
- Charge Card Badge
- Defensive Stopper Badge (in favor of more context-specific badges)