Some NBA 2K17 badges can be forgettable, but other badges can make all the difference. Here we have narrowed down NBA 2K17’s best Top 5 MUST-HAVE Badges!
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By “must-have”, we define it by using the following criteria, which factors in the combo of:
- High impact towards player success, effectiveness, and winning
- A badge you can’t go without
- Versatile: affects online game modes, MyCAREER badge grinding, other skills, etc.
- Both bigs and smalls can benefit from the badge
1) Relentless Finisher
Reason: This badge you don’t want to not have at MyPARK and Pro-Am. It is a must-have, must-need badge. Without this badge, you are going to have a very hard time finishing around hoop, and will be more at risk of missing shots. It also impacts badge grinding for Posterizer, Lob City Finisher, Putback King, and more.
2) Defensive Stopper
Reason: If a badge can defeat or weaken other badges, that’s a unique and powerful badge. Defensive stopper improves defensive effectivness and feel, and is the kryptonite that weakens other badges. With the amount of badges it affects, along with the degree of impact, it gets the #2 spot for must-have badges.
NBA 2K17 All-in-One Complete Badges Guide: Skill, Personality, HOF, Grand, and MyPARK Badges
3) Catch & Shoot
Reason: All archetypes can benefit from this badge, which adds a boost if you shoot after catching. The ability to combine it with the Dimer badge boost and the many other shooting badges, makes it vital for online multiplayer as well as going after shooting badges.
4) Pick Pocket
Reason: Improves defense and foot planting, helps with badge grinding by leading to fast
breaks and quick score opportunities.
5) Bruiser
Reason: Very versatile badge which helps towards not getting pushed around on the court, affects offense and defense, rebounding, screen setting, positioning,and overall feel and “weight” of your MyPLAYER. The amount of its broad versatility and impact make it our #5 must-have badge.
Hope you liked this list, add your must-have badges, and be sure to check back for more NBA 2K17 tips!
Pick pocket definetly must have