After the launch of NBA 2K22, some players reported missing, deleted, or corrupted MyPLAYER files. They try to play MyCAREER, and the original file has gone missing or the user data corrupted (“UserData file has been corrupted and is unable to be loaded” error). Of course they want to get back their player, and understandably, many are upset about it since a lot have spent real money on Virtual Currency as well as invested hours of their time building up their MyPLAYER and earning badges.
2K is fully aware of the issues and have offered troubleshooting tips to resolve this issue and recover your player or fix user corrupted data.
Here they are below, organized by platform:
How to Recover Missing / Deleted / Corrupted MyPLAYER File Save
PlayStation 4
If the Automatic Update feature is enabled on PlayStation 4, save game files will be automatically uploaded to the cloud by default. Thankfully, Automatic Update is enabled by default on most PlayStation 4 consoles. That means you should be able to download your saved game data from the cloud. In order to do this, please perform the following steps:
- Start out in the Dynamic Menu.
- Go to (Settings) > Application Data Management > Saved Data in Online Storage > “Download to System Storage” and press (X button).
- Select NBA 2K22.
- Download all files that start with “MyCareer…”
PlayStation 5
Similarly to PS4, to continually have your save data synced to the cloud, ‘Automatic Updates’ must be enabled. Once uploaded you can download that save data, directly from the cloud, to the PS5 storage with these steps:
- Go to Settings > Games/Apps and Saved Data.
- Select Saved Data (PS5) or Saved Data (PS4).
- Select Cloud Storage and select NBA 2K22 > Download to Console Storage.
Xbox One / Series X and Series S
Cloud saves cannot be manually downloaded on Xbox One. However as long as you’re connected to XBOX Live they’re automatically uploaded and downloaded from the Microsoft Cloud Exchange. If your save files have not returned then please visit and verify that you are utilizing the cloud save system correctly.
Nintendo Switch
Save data backups can be downloaded from the game’s software menu or from within System Settings.
To download a backup from the software menu:
- Open the game’s software menu and select Save Data Cloud.
- Select the desired user, then select Download Save Data.
To download a backup from within System Settings:
- From the HOME Menu, select System Settings, then Data Management and finally Save Data Cloud.
- Select the desired user, then choose the backup file you wish to download.
- Select Download Save Data.
A Nintendo Switch Online membership is required to use this feature.
Save data backups can be restored from within the Steam application.
1. Launch Steam
2. Click on “Steam” in the upper left corner of the Steam application
3. Select “Backup and restore games…”
4. Select “Restore a previous backup”
5. Browse to the location of the game’s backup files
6. Continue through the Steam windows to install the necessary games.
If the path to your Steam installation contains special characters, such as C:\Steam安装路径\Steam, the restore process may not complete successfully. If this issue occurs, you may need to re-install Steam to a location without special characters, such as C:\Steam.
How to Fix User Corrupted Data
The “UserData file has been corrupted and is unable to be loaded” error message appears after the reserved space was cleared.
If you don’t know what reserved space is, please read up on it with this article.
Reserved space data will be re-downloaded by the game, but if the process is canceled (after the game rebooted), you’ll no longer be able to play any online modes or access any of their online connected files.
To ensure that the data is downloaded correctly, please attempt the following:
- Load the game.
- Select the Play Now option. Do NOT head into a game.
- Don’t you do it.
- Please stay on that menu.
If you’re playing on a PlayStation 4, you can leave your console in Rest Mode while the data is downloading.
After a few hours (or longer, depending on your internet connection), you will receive a notification in yellow font on the bottom left of your screen telling you to return to the main menu. Once you do, your game will be fully updated and your reserved data will be reinstalled.
We can’t stress this enough: Do not delete a game’s reserved space on your hard drive.