Latest NBA 2K17 Gameplay Update Nerfs Over-Powered Shooting & More

NBA 2K17 Gameplay Director, Mike Wang aka ‘Beluba’, recently posted some new info on the latest update for NBA 2K17, detailing new gameplay changes and slider adjustments. Here they are below:

  • The main change was re-defining what the game considers open vs. covered vs. crowded. Sometimes when users think they play pretty good defense against a shooter, the game actually thinks he’s wide open. So this tweak will basically knock down covered jump shot %’s across the board.
  • RS Aiming bonuses and penalties were flattened out. Perfect Aim was giving too big of a boost if you were good, and too big of a penalty if you didn’t use the feature.
  • The Limitless Range Badge was nerfed a little bit. Still a useful badge but people were cheesing it more than we anticipated.
  • Offensive Awareness was reduced for CPU on the higher levels while Defensive Awareness was increased for User teammates.
  • Offensive Consistency was reduced for CPU to match the User on Superstar and HOF. Defensive Consistency was increased slightly for both CPU and User.
  • Last thing, OG made a change to fix the excessive perimeter double teaming.