NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Posterizer Badge Analysis & Tests *UPDATED* (Videos)

Check out NBA 2K Tutes analysis and tests of the Posterizer Badge in Next-Gen NBA 2K21!  

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Slithery Finisher Badge Analysis & Tests (Video)

 Check out NBA 2K Tutes analysis and tests of the Slithery Finisher Badge in Next-Gen NBA 2K21!  

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Ankle Breaker Badge Analysis & Tests *UPDATED* (Videos)

Check out NBA 2K Tutes analysis and tests of the Ankle Breaker Badge in Next-Gen NBA 2K21!  

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Slippery Off-Ball Badge Analysis & Tests (Video)

Check out NBA 2K Tutes analysis and tests of the Slippery Off-Ball Badge in Next-Gen NBA 2K21!

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Analysis & Tests: Shot Contests w/Button vs Right Stick (Video)

Check out NBA 2K Tutes analysis and tests of shot contests with the button vs the right stick in Next-Gen NBA 2K21! 

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Tight Handles Badge Analysis & Tests *UPDATED* (Videos)

Check out NBA 2K Tutes analysis and tests of the Tight Handles Badge in Next-Gen NBA 2K21!