NBA 2K18 Patch #3 update is available for download today on PS4 and Xbox One, soon on PC/Steam and Nintendo Switch. The patch list of improvements affect MyCAREER, gameplay, MyLEAGUE and more. Most noticeably and much needed, the patch now adds viewable individual attributes when upgrading your MyPLAYER, improves frame rate issues, and other bugs. Here are the notes below:
NBA 2K18 Patch Update #3 Notes
Here are the fixes coming to Patch #3 dropping on PlayStation 4 & Xbox One later today, and coming to PC and Nintendo Switch soon.
– Fixed a case where game framerate would drop for the remainder of the game following a called timeout.
– Users are now able to view the individual attributes and their values when upgrading their players in MyCAREER.
– Gray indicators have been added underneath the feet of your teammates in the Playground; it is now much quicker and easier to discern your teammates from your opponents.
– Global settings/options will no longer reset to default after entering a MyTEAM game.
– Users will no longer lose their facial hair when re-scanning their face.
– Addressed a case where Draft-and-Stash players in MyLEAGUE/MyGM would be signed to a $0 contract, while simultaneously being duplicated in the upcoming rookie draft (new save required).
– Generated prospects in future seasons of MyLEAGUE/MyGM will now always have heights appropriate for their position (new save required).
– Free agents 32 years or older will no longer pass up big money offers to sign for the MLE in MyGM/MyLEAGUE.
– Users will no longer display negative badge progress following an exceptional performance in MyCAREER. For those currently experiencing this, continue playing and your tally will be incremented towards your next bonus.
– Fixed a hang that could occur when the user was scrolling down the list of available shirts in the T-Shirt Kiosk.
– Improved framerate in the court area of the Playground when games are being played on most/all of the courts.
– Addressed a hang that could occur when bringing up the squad menu in a completely full Neighborhood.
– Fixed a soft hang in Live Practice where the ball would not get picked up when using the ball machine.
– Fixed an issue where the camera would always point to the middle of the court if the user had the Auto Flip option enabled while in the broadcast camera(s).
– (Switch) Improved framerate/audio syncing during tunnel/locker room scenes in MyCAREER.
– (Switch) Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented Local Play from commencing when there were four participants.
NOTE: All patch fixes will work in your existing game mode saves unless noted otherwise.