Paint Prodigy Badge

NBA 2K Paint Prodigy Badge

Improves a player’s ability to quick and efficiently score while going to work in the paint


  • Bronze: Close Shot 73
  • Silver: Close Shot 84
  • Gold: Close Shot 92
  • HOF: Close Shot 96
  • Legend: Close Shot 99
  • (Min Height 6’3″)

All Badge Requirements


  • Controls: Hold L2 / LT to initiate the post up
  • Activate this badge by using post moves
  • Best for Paint Beasts
  • Increase Post Control Attributes
  • Target opportunities where there is a mismatch and little to no help defense in the paint
  • If effective in the post, start to anticipate a double team before it arrives, and be ready to find the open man if necessary.
  • Pay attention to how the defender is playing you in the post – distance, angle, tendencies, etc., then adapt by using various post moves depending on the defense