Chef Badge

Chef Badge

Gives a boost to the range that a player can effectively shoot off-the-dribble three point attempts.


For Best Results:

  • Combine this Badge with:
    • Rhythm Shooter Badge
    • Hot Zone Hunter Badge
  • Builds this Badge is Best Suited for:
    • 3PT Shooters
  • Attributes to Increase:
    • Three-Point Shot
    • Ball Handle
  • Gameplay & Playstyle Tips:
    • Named after Stephen “Chef” Curry, this badge gives a boost to the range that a player can effectively shoot 3PT shots off-the-dribble.
    • To activate this badge, the player must have the ball in their hands for at least two seconds, move for at least 0.5 seconds and shoot 30+ feet away from the basket (moving or quick stop).
  • Notes:
    • Simulated games do not count towards earning badges
    • Badges have 4 Tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Hall of Fame
    • Badge availability depends on the archetype


Name: Chef

Description: Gives a boost to the range that a player can effectively shoot off-the-dribble three point attempts.

Controls: Hold and release X/Square to perform a jump shot

Skill(s): Offense > 3PT Shooting

Type: Shooting Badge