Bulldozer Badge

Bulldozer Badge

Improves a ball handler’s strength in overpowering defenders


Badge Requirements

  • Bronze: 74 Strength, 6’5″ minimum height
  • Silver: 84 Strength
  • Gold: 92 Strength
  • HOF: 96 Strength

How to Activate This Badge

  • Contact with a defender will activate the badge
  • Improving the Strength Attribute helps activate the badge

Combine this Badge with:

  • Posterizer Badge
  • Fearless Finisher Badge

Builds this Badge is Best Suited for:

  • Slashers
  • Finishers

Attributes to Increase:

  • Strength
  • Ball Handling

Gameplay & Playstyle Tips:

  • Helps with blow-bys
  • Target low strength defenders


  • Use RT / R2 and LS to sprint towards the hoop

Type & Skills:

  • Skills: Offense > Dribbling & Finishing
  • Type: Playmaking & Finishing Badge


  • Simulated games do not count towards earning badges
  • Badges have 4 Levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Hall of Fame
  • Badges also have 4 tiers: S, A, B, C (with S being the best)
  • Badge availability depends on the archetype

Badge Videos & Tests: